Get Your Kids Outdoors! |
Now that the weather is warming up considerably, it’s time to start playing outside again. Outdoor activities not only encourage a positive relationship with nature and the general outdoors, but they also promote physical activity. Any outdoor game is an adventure, especially when you’re a kid, but sometimes it is a lot harder to give our kids that nudge out of the door. Even though the weather is gorgeous and the plants are beginning to bloom, they may be more preoccupied with television, tablets or other digital devices. While all of these mediums have their own pros and cons, it’s still important to balance how kids spend their time. What you can do is use mediums such as interactive games and personalized books to get kids to play outdoors.
Dreamland Personalized Photo Book |
Using games is a great way to entice kids. Use your own imagination to combine playing outdoors with digital or indoor games. Simply bringing mobile devices outdoors or even just on your porch can help ease kids into the open. One great way to motivate kids is to use personalized books. Personalized books provide kids with a story all their own and can be used to help them overcome personal obstacles like learning to ride a bike or potty training. Personalized books from KD Novelties can be used in the same way to entice kids to play outdoors. There are plenty of adventures to choose from, such as My Camping Adventure or My Fishing Adventure personalized kids books. Use these books to get them excited about a camping or fishing trip of your own. Even more fantastical books, like the Dreamland Personalized Photo Book can inspire kids to go outside and use their own backyard as an imaginary forest. Encourage kids to use their imagination and have plenty of real life adventures of their own.