How To Raise Smart Kids

Many parents would like to think that their child is smart or will grow up to be smart and successful in some capacity. While a person’s IQ largely depends on genetics and nutrition, there are some things that you can do in order to help raise a smart child. Exposing your child to new things, expanding their minds and their areas of interest, allowing them to have new and exciting experiences, and a wealth of other things, if encouraged early on in life, can help you raise a child with a love for learning.
Reading Personalized Books
Make reading and music a part of their lives. Reading is an essential skill, and learning to read can allow kids to learn a plethora of other things. Reading comprehension skills are great for understanding abstract concepts that can help push the limits of your child’s mind as well as their imagination. Learning to read and play music also has similar capabilities, and studies have shown that children who play instruments generally perform better academically as well.
Make math part of the conversation. Math can be a difficult topic to weave into everyday life, but it can be easier than you think. If your child is familiar with basic math concepts like addition and subtraction, especially in everyday, applicable formats, it will be much easier for them to pick up on the subject when it is taught to them formally in school. Even saying things as simple as “we’ll eat breakfast in five minutes” or pointing out and asking kids to count the things that they see daily can help condition their mind to notice patterns and compute information that is conducive to understanding math and similar concepts.
Bring out the blocks, puzzles and board games. These sorts of toys are great, both for parents as well as for kids. For parents, blocks and other puzzle-like games can help keep kids quiet and occupied, but these sorts of activities are great for teaching kids how to use their minds and develop strong problem-solving skills. These games also teach kids a lot about spacial reasoning and cognitive skills.
Limit the rules. As a parent, you will certainly need to set some guidelines for behavior, but it is important that you do not stifle your child as a person, either. Enforcing too many rules can be more stressful than you think, even if you think you are helping your child. Make sure that they are safe, but allowing children to have experiences, to make mistakes and to think independently will do more for their overall personal development than giving them a strict, regimented lifestyle would.

Personalized Puzzles for Kids
Let them be bored.You may feel like you’re doing something wrong if your child complains of boredom, but a parent’s job is not one of an entertainer. Allowing kids to be bored forces them to use their minds, it allows for them to be creative and self-sufficient, even if it only happens after a considerable amount of complaining.
Stay crafty.Speaking of boredom, keeping a variety of different things around the house for them to play with, experiment with and explore can help boost their creative abilities, as well as their motor skills. With craft supplies in abundance, kids can bring things to life with their imagination and ingenuity. Even if your child is not inherently artistic, crafts can help develop fine motor skills and allows for kids to be creative regardless of skill.
Ask them questions. Parents may be more used to answering questions than asking them, but asking your children a variety of different things can help encourage them to solve problems on their own. When a ball gets stuck or your child cannot reach something that they want, ask them if they can come up with ways to retrieve the item themselves. Even if you end up fulfilling their request, asking your kids questions like these can help bolster their problem solving skills and their ability to think outside the box. You can also ask questions when they learn new things or read a new book, which can help boost their memory and help them retain new information as well.
Encourage them to take risks… and fail. This can be difficult for parents to do in practice, but it is important that children learn lessons like these. Kids should be confident enough to follow their dreams, but it is also important for them to learn from their mistakes as well. Not only will this help children grow emotionally in a significant and personal way, but it will also help drive them even more when they get back up and follow their dreams again. Parents who coddle or hover over their children, protecting them from even the most minor hurts and inconveniences are not actually helping their child, even if they feel they are. Doing so will not prepare children to be the independent individuals that they need to be as functioning adults. Hence, they will not be able to deal with failure, whether big or small, or taking these fallbacks too personally and not believing that they are fallible at all.
Stay positive. Aside from big dreams and potential mistakes, staying positive through it all can help your child get through it. Encourage them to go after new things, let them pursue new interests and ask questions without fear of reproach. Being open and honest with your kids can help create a positive atmosphere that allows them to be themselves, to explore, and to trust in you when they need you.

3 Ways Puzzles Can Benefit Childhood Development

Personalized Puzzles

It has been long known that puzzles can provide a wealth of benefits for children in their early development. Puzzles range in style and difficulty depending on a child’s age, and even some of the most popular toys for infants happens to be a form of a puzzle – think of simple shape puzzles where children place the correct shape into their corresponding cutouts. As children get older, they are able to complete and understand more complex puzzles, and these objects are more than just fun, they can also be integral to helping develop several areas of a child’s intelligence and understanding.

There are three main skills that puzzles can help bolster in young children: physical skills, cognitive skills and emotional skills. These skills act as fundamental building blocks when it comes to a child’s development, and they can also help encourage social skills if children complete puzzles with parents or friends.

Physical Skills
The physical aspect of puzzle solving involves picking up the pieces and moving them around in order to make sure that they fit. This helps develop special reasoning and understanding in children, and can even help with hand-eye coordination as well. Moving the pieces helps with fine motor skills as well as gross motor skills, though this typically depends on the type of puzzle and the level of difficulty, but both aspects are vital.

Cognitive Skills

Kids Puzzles

These skills are activated as your child uses logic and reasoning to figure out how a piece fits into the puzzle at large and which way each piece will need to be placed in order to fit with the other pieces. It helps kids understand the physical world around them, especially since they are actually manipulating pieces to fit in a certain way. Understanding what the end result of the puzzle is, in order to determine how each little fragment fits in, is essential to problem-solving as well. Shape recognition is a great skill as well, though it may be more emphasized in puzzles for younger children.

Emotional Skills
You may be wondering how a puzzle could possibly help to develop emotional skills, but the fact that puzzles are an activity with an end goal helps encourage patience and goal-setting in general. The main goal is to finish the puzzle, but the task of finding out how each piece fits together provides additional smaller goals as well, offering smaller bursts of satisfaction and achievement along the way. Knowing that each piece placed in the puzzle is a success, kids learn to understand the benefits of patience – even if the puzzle will take work to complete, they will feel a sense of satisfaction after taking the time to figure out the problem and complete the puzzle.

KD Novelties offers personalized puzzles that can help encourage children to engage their problem-solving skills. Personalized with their name, children will be interested in the end result.  Solving the puzzle and spelling their name will provide hours of learning fun, boost confidence, and enhance letter recognition.

Like books, learning to love puzzles can help open children up to other beneficial problem-solving games. Puzzles come in many shapes and sizes whether it is a math problem, a Rubik’s Cube, an intricate Lego set, or even a riddle. Puzzles can be both physical and not, but there are plenty of developmental benefits to introducing kids to puzzles early on.