Your Child on TV!

Personalized DVDs
Keepings kids occupied can certainly be a difficult task. As a parent, it is imperative that kids are not only stimulated and occupied, but it is vital that whatever it is that they are doing is educational or beneficial in some way. As technology grows and becomes more and more popular, kids are more likely to plop down on the couch or wander the living room while they play with a tablet or watch the television. While it is important that kids experience a wide range of activities, DVDs and other visual media can actually be helpful for kids.
ABC Monsters Personalized DVD
Personalized DVDs from KD Novelties offer interactive and immersive stories for children to get into and learn from while also having fun and being entertained. The best part of these cartoon adventures is the child’s picture is inserted into the cartoon! Educational DVDs like the ABC Monsters Series can help kids learn the alphabet while taken on an imaginative journey to find the letter monsters. Kids will get immersed in the story but will still be learning at the same time. Other DVDs like Care Bears Fitness is Fantasticcan get kids up on their feet while they have fun watching this educational adventure. Gregory and Me sets kids on an animal adventure  that spans the world, introducing kids to creatures that live across the globe that they can even interact with and learn a great deal from. Kids can become the center of their own imaginative adventures in other personalized DVDs such as in My Dream Book and Little Mermaid DVDs. Other personalized DVDs can help encourage kids to keep learning and to believe in themselves and their capabilities, such as the You Can DoAnything interactive DVD.

There are plenty of other personalized DVDs to choose from and they all include kids as the main star. The personalized aspect of these DVDs helps pique children’s interest in the material, and the interactive adventures help them have fun while they are also learning valuable lessons, acquiring new skills, and exercising their imagination.

New Photo Personalized DVD for Kids

ABC Monsters Personalized DVD
Entertainment that is educational is pretty much standard when it comes to media for kids, but how often is it personalized and interactive? Learning can be more enticing when it’s personalized. Studies have shown that personalized books for kids can help encourage reluctant young readers to pick up a book.  The same goes for interactive and personalized videos and DVDs. When kids see themselves taking part in their very own cartoon, they’ll be more excited about learning the lesson.
Photo Cartoon DVD
We are pleased to announce that we now have the entire ABC Monsters Series starring 26 personalized episodes (one for each letter of the alphabet). In this series, kids can learn all about the alphabet with the help of plenty of fun puzzles, stories and songs that they are a part of. Kids will be more than excited to see their face incorporated into this fantastic cartoon adventure. Learning can be fun, but sometimes convincing kids of this fact can be a bit tricky. In this personalized photo DVD, your child joins their cartoon friends Alice, Brian, and Cherry Berry as they search for the missing letter monsters. Along with their cartoon friends, your child will use the Magical Dictionary to follow clues, solve puzzles and ultimately learn how to spell while having blast.

You can purchase one episode or have two episodes on one DVD at a discounted rate.  See sample personalized episodes here.  This holiday season be sure to purchase our ABC Monsters personalized DVD and get your child excited about exploring the wonders of letters and learning.

New Photo Personalized Children’s DVD

A New Educational Alphabet Adventure

Personalized Photo DVDs

A new photo personalized DVD – ABC Monsters transports your child to the magical alphabet garden where they embark on a journey to solve alphabet puzzles. Along with their new cartoon friends, Alice, Brian, and Cherry Berry, your child solves alphabet related clues in order to find the missing letter A in this new adventure. While exploring the Alphabet Garden, your child can watch themselves solve puzzles, find clues and learn the value of letters and literacy.  By seeing themselves in this personalized photo DVD, your child can immerse themselves into the adventure and interact with their learning experience. The adventure not only gets your child excited about learning but excited about learning to read, too.

When children see themselves in their very own cartoon it boosts their self-esteem and self-image and will surely captivate them, enhancing their learning experience, all while learning their alphabets.  With so many educational TV shows for children, KD Novelties has entered into the households of children by not only providing personalized kids books but a personalized educational touch to TV viewing.

Check out our video sample below.