Should I Read to my Baby … you say?
It may seem too early but reading to your baby early in infancy is the beginning of a lifetime love of reading. Even though they will not understand what you are saying, they are familiar with your voice and it brings a sense of safety when you hold them in your arms and give them your undivided attention.
You can read anything to your baby since they will not understand the content. The sound of your voice is the most important during these early stages. Personalized baby books with the child’s name is even more creative because they will learn their name faster and respond to it at an early age. Remember constant repition is what works on younger children especially babies. However, if the child is fussy pick a better time to sit down and read.
We have several personalized baby books to choose from. We offer our My Baby Book featured above which records your babies birthdate, height, weight, hospital, and much more. It’s a wonderful keepsake for storing and recording valuable information.
Once your baby starts holding objects and is aware of their surroundings they are ready for books. Choose books that introduce words and concepts in a unique fun way so that they will be able to retain what they are learning. Look for books that have lots of rhythym and rhyme and have colorful pictures of familiar objects and faces.
Make reading fun with your baby and don’t feel like you need to read the entire page. Even one page or one page in a picture book is all it takes to bring the magic of reading into your child.