KD Novelties ~ Personalized Children’s Books

We have incorporated 8 quick and easy tips for Halloween for your little ones:

  1. Please make sure that the costume the child picks out is safe.
  2. Make sure there is a responsible adult/teenager with them; do not leave your children alone.
  3. Feed your children a full meal before going out so they are not prone to eat all the candy.
  4. Check for unwrapped candy.
  5. Practice Safety with them by telling them not to talk to strangers, get into any cars, always look both ways when crossing the street, and do not approach or go into any dark areas.
  6. If you will not be accompanying the child please make sure they are in groups.
  7. If they are out when dark make sure they carry a portable flashlight.
  8. Most of all Have Fun and be safe.

    **Make your Halloween memories last a lifetime**

Summer Activities for Kids from KD Novelties

Now that school is winding down and for some it has finished, it is important to stimulate your child’s mind with fun educational activities. We have highlighted below some recommendations and some tips for great summer activities.

If you happen to be on the road fun educational car games are a must. For example have your child count how many red items they see outside or count how many traffic lights you come across. Our personalized music cd’s are also helpful and will keep them entertained listening to their name and hearing educational songs sung by popular characters. Check out our selection at https://www.kdnovelties.com/personalized-music

If you’re on vacation tag along reading books and puzzles to stimulate their minds. Our personalized children’s books are the best because they are innovative, exciting and promote self-esteem (check out our large selection at https://www.kdnovelties.com/personalized-books). Even while at the beach when children are wrapped up in building sand castles be creative and make it educational have them count the shovels tell them to hand certain colors to you. Have them practice writing their name in the sand and you can also explain what happens to the sand when it gets wet.

Set aside reading time at home or make a certain day of the week game time (make it educational and fun). Have the children tell you a summary of what they read or if you are reading to them have them explain what they have heard and their feelings about the story. When reading to a child you also need to be creative and change your voice for certain characters and read with enthusiasm especially for the much smaller children. They will see your love of reading and they will adapt it into their lives as well.

Visit educational venues such as the museum, the zoo, and the library (have them pick out their own books).

These are tips that we hope you find helpful and incorporate into your summer activities. Most of all be creative and have fun!

Have a safe and enjoyable summer from KD Novelties Personalized Children’s Books, Music and gifts. https://www.kdnovelties.com

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How to get your kids to read and enjoy IT!

With all the social media websites and electronic games, children have lost the desire to have quiet time and read a book. It is very important especially when they are still toddlers to instill a love of reading in your household. You have to allow your kids some freedom to do other things but always set a time for family reading time and never sacrifice that time. Be consistent; for instance pick a Friday night after dinner and always use that time for reading.

If you read to your child then make it fun and ask questions and make sounds for characters and/or animals in the story that way they can enjoy what you are reading to them. Hey, even make them laugh they will remember that and appreciate the story more. Make it enchanting and create a sense of excitement. Let them see how excited you are when you read a book or read to them.

If your child is a little older and can read to themselves then give them their time to do fun things but still set aside reading time and be firm with it. Personalized Children’s Books is a great way for them to read something different and “cool” because they are the stars of the story. Our stories are not boring and are packed with adventure. Our personalized children’s books are unique and they would want to share it with their friends.

Let them choose their own books and if they have a particular favorite character like Elmo of Sesame Street or even a superhero like Spiderman get them books relating to these characters. It’s even better if it PERSONALIZED!

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