New Study Reveals Reading Aloud to Kids Really Does Matter

Dad reading to child


A child’s reading behavior and attitude towards reading should always be a thing of importance to parents and caregivers. An interest in reading is more than just about developing a hobby, but it is about developing invaluable skills that will help a child throughout their young lives and beyond. Reading plays a key role in academic performance, personal development, and their ability to understand and communicate with others.

In a study performed by Scholastic and featured in the fifth edition of the Kids & Family Reading Report, the concluded results determined that early literacy was important, especially when parents read aloud to their children during the first five years of their life.

According to the study, most of the 2,558 parents surveyed began reading to their children ages 0 to 5 aloud at home anywhere from as much as 5 to 7 days a week. But as their children got older, these numbers diminished significantly. Even though parents acknowledged the importance of reading and wanted their children to enjoy reading, many (if not most) parents ceased reading to their children once they were able to read independently on their own. Despite this, 40 percent of surveyed children ages 6 to 11 actually wished their parents still read aloud to them.

Researchers working on this study were also interested in patterns that may influence whether children became frequent or infrequent readers. For many frequent readers, aged 6 to 17, there were several factors contributed to their love for reading – but one of the more striking ones included having parents that were not only frequent readers in their own right and parents who read aloud to them often, starting at an early age. The study also revealed that 41 percent of frequent readers ages 6 to 10 were read aloud to at home, while only 13 percent of infrequent readers were being read to.

As much as factors like reading aloud can help encourage kids to read more on their own and to be better readers, these behaviors can also result from “a whole constellation of other things that goes on in those families,” said Timothy Shanahan, professor emeritus of urban education at the University of Illinois at Chicago and a past president of the International Reading Association. Regardless, it is still worthy to note the numbers when it comes to parents who consistently read aloud to their kids and those who do not – so if you are thinking of foregoing that bedtime story, you may want to think again.

7 Ways To Encourage A Love Of Reading

7 Ways To Encourage Reading

Reading is one of the most beneficial skills to have. Being able to read is one thing, but things like reading comprehension and writing can be applied in many aspects of adult daily life. It is important to be able to communicate effectively, understand abstract concepts, and to be able to conduct research to gather information. But aside from that, reading can help people learn to be more empathetic, learn about other people and cultures, and understand how to better express themselves. There are many reasons why parents should be concerned with getting their children to read, and it helps if they like to read as well. When it comes to encouraging a love of reading, there are a few things parents should consider:

Make it Fun

It’s easy for parents to be concerned if their child isn’t reading at their level or simply isn’t showing an interest in reading period, but pressuring them to read or pushing the activity on them can do more harm than good. Make sure that reading is a stress-free activity, that it is as fun as can be, and that it is enjoyable for everyone. Keeping a good attitude about it can help both parties tremendously, especially when a reluctant reader is involved.

Make it Part of Your Everyday

Kids are more likely to pick up a book or develop an interest in reading if it is already a staple in their lives. Making a habit, such as bedtime reading or encouraging reading on car rides, can help make reading something familiar for kids. Having books around the house, reading on your own and having books and reading be a part of your life and not necessarily your child’s can have an impact, too. Kids learn by example, so if they see mommy and daddy reading, they are more likely to want to read too.

Make it a Game

Boosting reading skills can happen anytime, anywhere. Make letter games when driving, asking your kids to pick out letters they see or playing “I Spy” type game with words and phrases on signs you pass by. Play letter games while getting meals together, ask them to read the labels and to see if they can find specific words around the house. While reading physical books, try the same thing. This can help reluctant readers open up to more interactive and creative ways of reading that may change the activity all together for them.

Make it Personal

Sometimes, kids need more of an “in” before getting into reading, and things like personalized books can help do that. Making your child the star of the story can instantly spark their interest. It can also be helpful if kids are going through something specific, such as starting their first day of school or learning to potty train. Reading about issues that affect them personally or reading stories where they are the hero can help them to better connect with the reading material and become more enthusiastic about reading in general.

Give Them a Head Start

If you’re having trouble getting kids interested in reading, you can help them out. Pick a chapter book with a topic your child may be interested in and read the first few chapters alongside with them. After that, encourage your child to read with you or to finish out the book on their own. Their interest in the story and the characters can motivate them to finish out the book!

Make it More Social

Encouraging kids to share books and stories can help keep their interest. Ask your child to read to you for a change, have them read to a younger sibling or an older sibling, or even have them read to a pet! There are actually plenty of libraries and pet shelters that host programs where kids read to animals which have shown to improve animal behavior as well as kids’ reading skills.

Make it Special

Treating books as special treats can give them more value. Offer your child a book when you go to the store or as a consolation prize after a doctor’s visit. Treat reading as a special activity when you do it together or when you see them reading on their own. Reading is special on its own, but making it feel extra magical can help keep a child’s interest and encourage them to do it more often.

How to Raise an Optimistic Child

Life can be challenging and difficult. As helpful as it can be to remain realistic about life, optimism still has power to do good things. It can act as a motivator as well as a means of thinking positively, even if things don’t turn out the way you expected. Being optimistic can help provide you with a perspective that is healthy but helpful, and raising a child to be optimistic can be both enriching and enlightening as a parent.

A New Twist on Complaining

Finding something to complain about is easy, but if you stop and catch yourself you might realize that the thing you were griping about wasn’t actually that bad. Kids mimic their parents’ behaviors, and things like constant complaining can be something they learn from you if you do it often enough. Complaining comes naturally, and it’s easy to give in to feeling annoyed or inconvenienced, but if you stop and think for a moment, you may be able to find a positive side to things. Kids can learn a lot from this kind of behavior, and if you find your child complaining too, don’t discredit their feelings but instead provide an alternative. If your child is complaining that they can’t go to the park because it’s raining, provide them with ideas for indoor activities, get them excited about the other things they can do instead. This kind of behavior can become a habit, and when it’s second-nature, you may find yourself naturally complaining less – and your kids as well.

Work Together

If there is something bothering your child, take the time to ask them about it and work along with them to find a solution. Sometimes, if things aren’t working out, kids may want to quit or give up what they’re doing, whether they are trying to solve a math problem for homework or learn how to ride a bike. Providing support and encouragement can help kids learn valuable lessons, especially when they see that they aren’t alone.

Share a Story

For kids, everything is new. When new problems or scenarios develop, it may be a completely fresh experience for them. When things go wrong, or not as expected, kids may feel sad, upset or even devastated. Try to share a similar story from your everyday life or your childhood to show them that everyone has difficulties and that they can be overcome. Providing a similar success story, or even a not-so-successful story, can help kids relate to others while also being less hard on themselves when things don’t go their way.