Are You Ready for Back to School?

It’s already that time of year again. It may feel like school just ended, but before you know it school will be back in session. Depending on where you live, school may start in August or September, but it helps to be prepared no matter what. The summer holiday can simultaneously feel both long and short, but don’t let the first day back to school sneak up on you! Here are a few ways you can make sure you’re prepared for the upcoming school year.

Stock Up on Supplies… Early

There’s nothing like going to the store the day before, or even the day of, the first day of school and finding nothing on your child’s school supply list. Depending on how old your child is and how their school works, some kids receive school supply lists at different times. Usually, elementary schools assign classes the year before and provide children with supply lists and summer reading assignments before the summer even begins. It helps to tackle these lists as soon as possible, especially since many of the things you need will be in short supply the closer it gets to the first day of class.

But not everyone has the luxury of knowing what to get beforehand. Many kids do not receive supply lists until their first day of school, which is more common in middle or high schools. In this case, you can still make sure you’re prepared. Get the basics as soon as possible, or stock up on things like loose-leaf, binders, notebooks, pens, and pencils during the year – especially when you see them on sale. You can always store these go-to items away until they are needed. Items like these will not go to waste, either, even if you’re child doesn’t need them. You can repurpose binders for recipes, notebooks for to-do lists, or you can always donate your excess supplies to those in need.

Plan a Wardrobe

Whether your child still needs help dressing or they are old enough to dress themselves, it helps to have some go-to outfits ready. The first week or so back to school is bound to be hectic, and getting back into that morning routine can be difficult to master at first. Having some outfits planned in advance can at least make getting dressed in the morning much easier and can help save time.

At the end of the summer, take a look at your child’s clothing, even stuff that may be put away for winter. Take an inventory of the things they have, things they need, and things that may need to be replaced. Items like winter coats and boots are cheaper in the summer when many stores are getting rid of the years’ stock with major sales before they launch their official “back to school” deals. Parents can easily score expensive necessities like coats and jackets before they’re ever needed, and they can be put away until the weather changes, too.

For older kids, planning a wardrobe may require some patience. Kids in middle school and high school may be more interested in keeping up with trends and sometimes the latest back-to-school or fall styles aren’t obvious until that time of year comes around. For kids looking to be cool, parents can still stock up on basics early on so they can pick a few choice pieces once the new seasons’ looks debut.

Plan Lunches

Even if school itself is still a few weeks off, it may help to begin thinking about what kind of lunches you can pack for the new school year. Now is the time to try new things and begin making certain things so you can get an idea of what your child will want to eat, as well as how long it takes to prepare, so you can easily add lunch prep to your back-to-school schedule.

Study Spaces

Make sure your child has a place to do homework and get their assignments done. For kids with summer reading assignments and other projects, it helps to have a place for them to do this work where they can easily continue to do homework once school comes around. For kids without summer work, having a space for writing or crafts can help get kids used to working in a particular space and doing a certain kind of activity.

Having a designated space to do schoolwork is also helpful because you don’t want to be scrambling come the first week of school to find a place for your child to get stuff done. It helps if you don’t have to clear off a cluttered table or create a makeshift corner in a room for homework at the last minute, and it may contribute to putting things off early.

Do Your Own Homework

Parents should look into what their child’s upcoming curriculum will look like. This way, parents know what to expect in terms of workload, subject matter, and they can make sure there kids are prepared for anything that may come their way. Look at whether your child will be taking any standardized tests or will need to complete any big projects. If your child struggled with a particular subject the previous year, you may want to consider getting a tutor or taking advantage of summer library programs before school starts up again. It also helps to look into after-school and library programs that will be offered during the school year, too, so you can work in any extra activities your child may need or want to participate in to your s

Personalized Superhero Books Can Inspire Your Kid to Go Above and Beyond!

personalized superhero books

Batman, Wonder Woman, Captain America; kids love superheroes, and it’s easy to understand why. They run, jump, fly, and most importantly, they protect the world from evil. In the eyes of a child, when they imitate a superhero, they, too, are doing something positive, and a personalized superhero book is the perfect way to encourage them to do so.

Through superhero play, kids gain a sense of confidence and build up their self-esteem. When they read about superheroes, these guardians become even more powerful, as children learn new stories and better relate to their favorite characters. Superhero stories can inspire children in so many ways, and if the books are personalized and feature the readers in them, the power, self-confidence, and inspiration that children will gain is even greater.

Here’s a look at some of the reasons why you should consider adding some personalized superhero books to your child’s library.

personalized superhero books

They Encourage Imaginative Play

Superhero books serve as an excellent source of inspiration for imaginative play on their own, but when your child is featured in the story, the inspiration is even greater.

In the age of technology, it’s easy for kids to forget how to play creatively. They become so dependent on their gadgets that it seems like they lose their imaginations. Give your child a personalized superhero book and a cape and watch as they bring the story to life!

Models Kindness

What’s any superhero’s top priority? – Defending the world from evil. In essence, these caped crusaders model kindness. When your child reads a personalized superhero book, she will be more inclined to treat others with the same kindness that her favorite characters exhibit.

Teaching kindness is so important during childhood. Kids are so impressionable. When they read stories about superheroes, they are more likely to emulate the compassion and thoughtfulness that their most loved characters exhibit. In a world that can sometimes be unjust and even cruel, superheros – and their qualities – are excellent role models.

personalized superhero books

Personalized Superhero Books Encourage Bravery

From the first day of school to making presentations in front of a class, children – like adults – are faced with a lot of challenges. Unlike adults, however, many kids don’t yet know how to navigate through these challenges.

Personalized superhero books can serve as powerful tools to help your little one steer through the trials and tribulations they may experience. Courage is a quality that all superheros possess. When your child is turned into a superhero in a personalized story, they too possess the same bravery as the other characters in the book. The story will inspire them to apply the courageousness of their character in the story to real-life situations. What would the superhero version of your child do if they were nervous about the first day of school, or if they were confronted by a bully? When a young person is confronted with challenging situations, they might just use their personalized superhero book to help make it through.

Alone, superheros and reading are excellent tools for children; but when combined, they become the ultimate tool. Fill your child’s bookshelves up with personalized superhero stories and they’ll reap these benefits, and so many more!

Essential Picks for Your Baby’s First Library

babys first library

It’s common knowledge that reading is a fundamental part of learning for young children, but did you know that it’s just as important for babies? During the first year of life, a child’s brain develops at a rapid pace. Reading facilitates brain growth, expanding the synapses and positively impacting various developmental areas. It aids in speech development, teaches them about emotions, and even helps their vision. Plus, reading a baby book to your baby will help foster a lifetime love of learning, and it’s a great bonding experience, too!

Given how important reading is for babies, it’s no wonder there are countless books to choose from. But, which titles will your little one really love? Here’s a look at some classics that you should definitely consider adding to your baby’s first library.

babys first library

Bear Snores On

Written by Karma Wilson, Bear Snores On is a wonderful addition to a baby’s library. While Bear is hibernating, several friends seek shelter from the stormy weather in his cave. Several furry critters have a feast while the Bear snores on, but he eventually wakes and joins in on the fun.

The text is full of rhymes, making for a sing-song delight that your baby will be sure to love.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Eric Carle is a beloved author of children’s literature, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar is one of his most popular titles. The story of a caterpillar who eats his way through tons of snacks until he becomes a butterfly, this book introduces babies to the scientific concept of metamorphosis, while teaching them to count. The illustrations are colorful and interactive, which further enhance the delight of this book.

Goodnight Moon

This Margaret Wise Brown book is a must for your baby’s library. It’s the story of a bunny who says goodnight to everything in his room and the world that lies outside his window, just like most little children do before they go to bed. The story is told in rhyme, which makes it more engaging, and the illustrations alternate between bold colors to black and white. This is truly a classic that you are going to want to have in your little one’s library.

babys first library

Goodnight, Gorilla

Peggy Rathmann tells the story of a sneaky gorilla who leads himself and his animal friends into a zookeeper’s house for a sleepover. The story is told almost entirely in pictures, which are beautifully drawn. Being that there are very little words, you have the opportunity to tell the story however you want to, making it fresh and exciting every time you read it.

A Personalized Book

A personalized baby book, with baby’s name added into the story makes a great addition to any child’s first book collection. Hearing their own name will draw them in, encouraging them to engage with the books more and creating a lifelong love of reading. Plus, as they age, the personalized book will become a treasured keepsake, which reminds them of the times you spent reading together!

Are You My Mother?

In this timeless story by P.D. Eastman, a baby bird is looking for his mother and meets several different animals during his search. The use of repetitive phrases throughout the story will help to build baby’s vocabulary and recall. It also allows him to learn that everyone has a mom, even animals.

These amazing pieces of children’s literature will serve as an excellent foundation for your baby’s first library and prepare you for tons of reading fun with your little one.