Creative Ways To Get Your Kids Reading During the Summer

Summer vacation should be full of fun and excitement, and for some kids, these concepts don’t always align with the idea of reading. For kids who already love to read, getting them to read over the summer can be a no brainer, and for certain children it may take no work at all. But for reluctant readers, it is important that parents make sure that reading remains a mainstay in their child’s lives. Studies have shown that children who do not read over the summer, especially when in elementary school and in early grades, may get knocked down a reading level or two. By reading consistently, kids can stay at the reading level that is appropriate for their grade and age. Here are some tips on getting kids excited about reading.

Focus on Adventure

Summer is often when families go out on vacation or take long trips. Vacations can be exciting and are often filled with new experiences, so take the spirit of vacation and books into the mix. Encourage kids to research the place your family is planning on visiting this summer. Even if you are unable to go on vacation, kids can explore other places, whether it is distant parts of the world, or fictional realms, all through the power of books. With this criteria in mind, scour the shelves of your local library or bookstore to see what you can find.

Motivation is Key

Children don’t just need to be reading books over the summer they need to be reading the right ones. One of the most important factors when it comes to any activity is the willingness to actually do it. Try not to push books on kids or pick out certain titles only because you think they’re interesting. Sure, providing some suggestions can certainly help, but it is important that kids want to read what they like, and making that choice on their own is one foolproof way to ensure that.

When it comes to making your own suggestions, keep your child’s interests in mind. Provide them with books on activities or subjects you already know they like. A love of learning is likely to inspire them to pick up books on other topics, too, but pushing overly educational books or books kids are simply not interested in can have the opposite effect than the one you’re going for.

Look Local

Whether you make a point of regularly visiting the local library with your child or have them tag along to the bookstore at the mall, making books easily accessible and within reach can help to pique their interests. Many libraries offer programs for kids during the summer months or after school that focus on reading but may also include activities like crafts and games that go hand-in-hand with the reading material.

Get Creative

If your child has other interests, whether it’s drawing, performing, or even talking a lot, you can incorporate these interests into the act of reading. Does your child like to doodle? Have them create illustrations for a book without any pictures. Is your child a movie star in the making? Encourage them to put on a play version of the last book they read for the family. Do they like to hear the sound of their own voice? See if they’ll record themselves reading a book aloud as if they are a radio announcer or an audiobook narrator. There are plenty of ways in which reading can be dynamic, especially if other activities are thrown into the mix.

5 Ways To Get Your Child to Read Over Summer

Reading Over Summer

Summer is upon us and the kids are home from school. Whether they’re staying at home or shipping off to camp, there are still plenty of opportunities for them to practice their reading skills! School may be over, but reading is something that we use every day, no matter what we are doing, so helping kids practice their reading is an important part of preparing them for the rest of their lives.

Why Reading is Important

Whether reading a recipe, playing a game, or driving around on errands, reading is a skill we always use. A person who can’t read suffers serious setbacks to their lives, personally and professionally. Instructions and cautions are often written out, so reading that affects public and private safety as well.

However, it is not always easy to get kids to read. Some kids struggle while others are flat-out resistant. Some kids enjoy reading in certain contexts, and others enjoy reading things we don’t think of as books. No matter what kind of reader you have, there are lots of ways to get any child reading. Here are five suggestions to help even the most resistant reader have fun with reading!

Reading Over Summer

1 Let Your Child Choose

Kids know what they like, and even if we don’t like it, we should give them the reins when it comes to choosing what to read. Anything that encourages kids to read is a useful tool (within limits – don’t give them Fifty Shades of Grey!). The best way to get a child to read is to ensure that they are engaged in the material, which will only happen if they like it. Making them a part of choosing what to read is a great way to ensure they read it. Even gross stories should be considered if they encourage reading, as well as other sources of reading materials. If your child has already read the book, that’s okay too! Even adults read favorite books over again, and revisiting beloved characters is almost like revisiting old friends.

Reading Over Summer

2 There Are More Than Just Books!

From comics to video games to magazines, there are many ways to read that don’t necessarily involve books.

  • Short stories and articles can provide invaluable assistance without committing a child to a whole book. An article about a sports hero or something they enjoy (dinosaurs, astronomy, music, and movies are examples that provide possibilities) will be treated with more interest than school work. Short stories are great because they are self-contained, and the “short” length provides a resolution in one sitting.
  • Comics and graphic novels are not only good for reluctant readers, but also for early readers, and the bold colors are attractive to all kids. Many familiar characters originated from or were adapted to comic books, so finding titles your kids will enjoy should be very easy.
  • Subtitled movies and shows provide a reading resource that is not often considered. Japanese anime (cartoons) and manga (comic books) are very popular and have a fan base that spans many generations. While popular titles of anime have versions in English, many of them can be found in subtitled form as well, and like American comics, most of the anime series are either based on manga or are adapted as manga. Foreign movies from any country can be enjoyed, sneaking in the reading in a fun way.
  • Video games provide endless possibilities. Some games require reading to get through the plot, particularly role-playing games (RPGs), which also hone critical thinking and decision making skills. Numerous games have resources such as strategy manuals, tips, guides, and even entire websites dedicated to playing the game better.
  • Board games that require reading can also provide opportunities for your child to practice.

Reading Over Summer

3 Read Together

James Patterson is not just selling books when he advises us in this CNN editorial to read ourselves. Children see what we do and often imitate us, so reading books around your children reinforces their own reading.

Reading together, by reading to them, allowing them to read to you, or taking turns page by page or chapter by chapter, gives plenty of opportunities not only to show the value of reading by example, but also to talk about the things you read. Older readers may still enjoy being read to, but if they don’t, reading the same book at the same time together can allow for some great bonding memories.

Reading Over Summer

4 Personalized Books

One excellent way to get a child’s attention is through the use of his or her name. Personalized books engage your child by making them a character integral to the plot. This way, the child is in the story as a participant. The child will want to read this over and over again because they are the star of the show! Whether the characters are from comics, Disney, Dora the Explorer, or your own creations, your child will love being a part of the story, and will want to read it over and over again. Plus, it makes a great keepsake when they get older!

Reading Over Summer

5 Create a Reward System

A reward system can be beneficial to both the most avid readers and the most staunch avoiders. Some parents reward their children with decreased chores while others will give gifts or outings. If the book is based on a movie, especially one that will be available in a theater when the child finishes the book, that can serve as major incentive. The same thinking can be applied to television – every minute or page of reading equals one minute of television.

Even disguising a reward system as a game, like a scavenger hunt or a reading challenge, can be encouraging and exciting for kids. A reward system also gives plenty of opportunity to praise the child, which will encourage them even more. Studies show children are more likely to repeat behaviors which earn them praise – and this works for children of all ages, including adult ones!

Whether hanging out at the local library or participating in events at area book stores, there are lots of opportunities to find books and other reading that your kids will be excited about. Employing the right strategies can ensure your kids practice reading even while school is out. Summer is fun, and a great time to highlight how fun reading can be!

Why Personalized Books For Toddlers Can Help Them Learn

The advantages of reading to your child are well-documented. Reading exposes children to language from an early age and that exposure can be crucial in helping kids to excel in both social and educational environments.

The more you read to your child, the greater understanding of language they will acquire which will help them with learning challenges, from learning vocabulary and the alphabet, to being able to effectively communicate with others.

Why Personalized Books for Toddlers Help

A study by the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that reading daily to young children, starting in infancy, can help with language acquisition and literacy skills. But if you’re already reading daily to your child what are some further ways to promote their development and growth?

One surefire way is to order them some personalized books for toddlers. Studies show that besides the more obvious benefits of increasing vocabulary and encouraging an understanding of language, reading to your child improves literacy and their path for success in life because it is the relationship between parent/caregiver and child that nurtures a positive life course more than anything.

Reading to your child is a time to provide them with your undivided attention and develop a relationship of communication between parent and child. Using a personalized book for this exercise helps develop this relationship further, making the story and the reading experience directly about your child. You can foster your relationship and nurture your child with personalized books because by using your child’s name, you are reinforcing engagement specifically with them and their identity.

Growing With Books

American Academy of Pediatrics Doctor Pamela High told PBS NewsHour about the importance of using books to chart your child’s development. She said, “for example, a 6-month-old is likely to hold on to a book, maybe to put it in their mouth and taste it, maybe to look at the pictures for a while, not pay too much attention.As they get older, they start patting the pictures. By a year or 15 months, they can probably point to some of the pictures in their favorite book. As they get older than that, they may even be able to point out some letters in the alphabet or tell you the story that’s in the book.

So the book is a vehicle for assessing how well the child is doing developmentally. It also can be a vehicle for assessing the relationship between the parent and the child. How comfortable is that child sitting in the parent’s lap and sharing that book together? And if it doesn’t seem so comfortable, it’s an opportunity to perhaps model how to do it and show how much fun it can be.”

A key part of this development cycle is getting your child to pay attention. As Dr. High mentions, a 6-month-old may not be able to process or pay very much attention to a book. However, if the book contains their name and they are routinely mentioned/brought into the story, it is far more likely to hold their attention from a young age. Thus, reading from a personalized book can speed the development process and encourage learning through positive reinforcement and naturally encouraging children to pay closer attention to a story.