How To Keep An Active Toddler Busy

Taking care of toddlers is notoriously difficult. They’re called the “terrible twos” for a reason, right?

Between the ages of 1-3, children can be difficult, especially since they are still learning to speak and communicating with them effectively can prove to be a bit of a challenge. Kids are constantly on the move, and their overactive minds are alight with questions and general inquisitiveness that keeps their hands roaming, their feet moving, and their energy levels at full capacity. As a parent, it’s important that you encourage their inquisitive nature while also keeping them in line, making sure that they stay safe and that they are also preoccupied so you can get what you need done, too. Here are some ways you can keep active toddler’s busy when you cannot focus 100% of your attention on them.

Kinesthetic Activities

The more stimulation you can provide for your child, the better. Try giving them colored blocks, playdough and other similar items to keep them occupied but learning, too. Color matching games are great for teaching children colors, which seems obvious, but it can also teach them basic organizational and special skills as well. Same goes for shape matching games as well. Playdough is a unique substance, and similar goos and slimes can work just as well, but the texture and appearance of these types of toys can introduce kids to their innate sense of creativity while also providing them with a highly stimulating activity.


Finger-painting seems like a cliché toddler activity but it is a great way to encourage kids to be creative and explore their own modes of expression and exploration. There are plenty of mess-proof finger-painting kits out there, too, and you can even make your own. Place different colored paints into freezer bags and lock them up tight while eliminating most of the air from the bag. Place them on a window or a white surface so kids can play around with the paint, creating images with the negative space without making a mess!


Puzzles provide great exercises in logic, allowing kids to solve problems while actively using their visual imagination at the same time. Personalized puzzles is an added benefit because not only will the puzzle itself provide many benefits to your child but they will also learn their letters and spelling of their name. You can find personalized puzzles for kids on our website. You can also create puzzles of your own by printing out pictures from movies or shows that your child loves, or even make a copy of a piece of work that your child has created themselves, and cut it into sections for them to rearrange and place back together.

Get Creative

When you’re out of toys, games, and are wary of turning to television or mobile games, there are plenty of DIY solutions that you can whip up within minutes to help keep your toddlers occupied and actively using their brains. Doing a search on Google on Toddler Activities can return a plethora of blog sites with creative and unique suggestions that can easily be implemented at home.

Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Kids

Leading a busy life can leave little time for breakfast, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day. For kids, what they eat before going out to play or heading off to school can also have a dramatic impact on their behavior, their development, and their ability to adapt or to absorb information. Finding a healthy alternative to quick fixes like toaster pastries or sugary cereals can be tough, especially if you need something quick and easy, but by considering some of these suggestions, breakfast might be easier than you think.

Fruits are an essential part of any diet, and they are a great way to start the day. Things like apples and bananas provide essential dietary fibers, potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins. Unlike other sugary options, the natural sugars found in apples are not as damaging and the phytonutrients found in apples can actually help regulate blood sugar levels. Speaking of sugar, despite the sugars found in apples, studies show that eating an apple is a much healthier alternative to drinking coffee. Potassium-rich foods like bananas have been shown to be effective in lowering blood pressure, and can help you stay fuller longer as well.

You can prep a quick snack chock full of apple slices or banana coins when in a rush, but these super fruits can also be easily added to other heartier, and healthier options, like oatmeal, yogurt or toast, and can be enjoyed with an extra helping of peanut butter or other fruits like raisins or blueberries.

If your kids love sugary cereals, then granola may be a great alternative. Like when shopping for cereal, checking the sugar content and the number of processed ingredients is still important if you want to stay healthy. But granola can still be chock full of flavor and incredibly versatile. Add it to yogurt, sprinkle fruit on top, add honey, or eat it on the go as a snack.

The oats in granola contain an impressive amount of iron and fiber. Granola that also contains nuts and seeds can help to add heart-healthy unsaturated fats and some protein to your morning meal as well. You can buy granola from the supermarket, making sure to research beforehand, but you can also make granola yourself ahead of time. Home-made breakfast bars can include granola, fruit, and other ingredients that you can then have ready to-go if you’re in a rush, or just throw some loose granola in a plastic bag for kids to munch on at snack time.

Smoothies can make breakfast feel a little more fun, especially for kids. Combining some of the fruit and yogurt ideas above, you can mix these ingredients along with other things like juice, or even sneak in some greens, to make a delicious and healthy concoction that is both quick and easy. Smoothies also make for a great on-the-go option, too, and with the right container they can accompany your kids on the ride to school if you’re running especially late or if they simply want to savor their first meal of the day.

Ready Made
If you’re really in a hurry, or if your kids tend to be picky, microwavable options or quick-mix go-to may be something more up your alley. Buying items like these can be tricky, especially since many of them contain preservatives, or lots of sugars and high fructose corn syrup. Everything in moderation is key, so finding some troubling ingredients like corn syrup may not be the end of the world, but always make sure that the rest of the ingredients are healthy or pack some nutrients.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with splurging once in a while or treating yourself and the kids to something a little less than health-conscious, but make sure that it is not an everyday thing. Not only is it better for your health and wellbeing in the long-run, but it can also make indulging on sweet treats like waffles, pancakes, egg sandwiches and lots of bacon all the more special when you do have the time or simply feel like having something a little extra special.

You can research and find some pretty inspired lists of healthy breakfast treats and recipes online for kids. Depending on your schedule or your ability to plan ahead, you can consider adding some of these recipes to your breakfast menu to brighten your kid’s day or just to mix things up a little.

For more parenting tips and reading resources be sure to follow us on our blog, and check out our unique books for kids that build self-esteem while promoting literacy.

How Should You Celebrate World Book Day With Your Child?

March 2nd marks the 20th anniversary of World Book Day, which champions authors and books in a worldwide celebration of reading. World Book Day is all about getting children in over 100 countries around the world to celebrate reading loudly and proudly.

The main goal is to get children to appreciate the pleasures of book and readings by giving them access to books of their own, which is why many countries provide schools and classrooms with vouchers and free books.

But what if your local school doesn’t participate in World Book Day? Whether your child is a reluctant reader or a voracious bookworm, there are endless ways to celebrate World Book Day and show your child the joys of reading.

Personalized Books

There’s nothing quite like having a personalized book. You’re reading a story and suddenly the characters address you by name. Your child’s favorite characters are suddenly talking to them and mentioning facts about their life and their family members within the pages of a book — it’s a special, personalized experience that encourages the joy of reading by engaging your child directly.

If you want to make your little one a lifelong reader, give them a personalized book to celebrate World Book Day. Any book makes a great gift, but this will ensure they have a book that is truly one of a kind.

Read a Favorite Book Together & Engage With It In a New Way

The whole purpose of World Book Day is to get children to celebrate reading, so what better way to celebrate than to actually read. It’s a perfect day to revisit an old favorite — either re-read your child’s favorite book or take the opportunity to introduce them to one of yours. If it’s a well-loved book, encourage your child to engage with the story in a new way.

Have them design a new book cover for it or create a list of questions they’d ask the author or illustrator if they got the chance. Getting kids to think critically about what they’re reading will help increase their engagement with and love of books.

Give Back

If your child is already a bookworm, encourage their philanthropic side and help them foster a love of reading in others. Donate books to your school or local library to increase the offerings. Have older children sign up to volunteer to read to younger students and share their love of reading.

If you want to get really fancy, organize a readathon where the proceeds go to a literacy charity to help disadvantaged children acquire the skills necessary to foster a love of literature.

Have a Costume Party

If your little one and their friends love books, have a World Book Day Party. Invite the children to dress up as their favorite literary characters and give a prize (a book, of course!) for the most detailed or inventive costume. If you really go all out, you can even have literary themed snacks and activities, including a book-related scavenger hunt or a word-search. Make a love of reading come to life!

Tell Your Own Story

Celebrate reading and storytelling by encouraging your child to write their own. They could write about their own life or create a completely fictional story from scratch. Maybe they want to write several pages or perhaps they’d prefer to illustrate their tale. No matter how they tell it show them the joys of being a storyteller in addition to being a reader.

No matter how you choose to celebrate World Book Day, know that you’re joining families and educators around the world in championing the joys and enrichment of books and reading.