Back to School Giveaway

Happy 1st day of September! Going back to school can be overwhelming for parents as well as for kids. Therefore, we are happy to announce our 3rd Annual Back to School Giveaway to ease the shopping process for parents.

We are giving away our Personalized School is Fun Book in time for the school season and a backpack full of school supplies.  Promote literacy? School Supplies? We got it all so enter for your chance to win this amazing back to school prize pack.

Enter Here and Good Luck!

Back to School Giveaway

Are You Ready for Back To School?

Back to school season is already upon us. Whether your children are starting school at the end of August or the beginning of September, the back to school flurry of activity can already have you in a tizzy – so how can you make the new transition easier? Here are some easy life hacks you can apply to your daily routine leading up to the first day of school and beyond to help ensure that you are prepared.

1. Attack the Lists. Whenever you get school supply lists, permission slips and other school forms, make sure that you tackle them ASAP. In regards to school supplies, certain items will sell-out fast, and waiting too long may only make finding certain things more difficult. Most schools release school supply lists around the same time, so try to make supply shopping a priority.

2. Pre-prep First Day (and First Week) Supplies.   From making sure that your child’s knapsack contains all of their classroom materials, setting out their first day’s outfit to prepping a week’s worth of breakfasts, there are plenty of things that you can do to make sure that the first week goes smoothly. The morning routine is the first thing that families often need to readjust to when school rolls back around after a long summer. As a parent, you likely have to get yourself ready first before the children, however, streamlining your morning routine, will at least let you rest easy knowing that the first, and often hardest part of the day is already taken care of.

3. Plan Ahead. Once you get your child’s new school schedule and the school calendar, try and post it somewhere noticeable and add it to the calendar on your phone or laptop as well. Set up reminders and alarms if there are events in the future that you need to be made aware of such as deadlines for permission slips, class trips, or if your child has a special activity, half-day or holiday in which you need to keep in mind.

Personalized Children’s Books

4. Make it a Habit. Planning ahead, staying organized and streamlining your routine can help you make the rest of the school year seamless. Many parents need some extra time getting started, but it can also be difficult to keep up with things as the year progresses. Therefore, make sure that you keep lists, begin morning prep after dinner or dessert for the next day, read notices and sign permission slips as soon as you see them, etc. Making habits of getting organized will make your life much easier, and it can even make breaking them more difficult!

5.    Set Rules/Procedures for the Year.  Set up a bedtime schedule, whether it be taking baths before bedtime, doing homework, setting up time for reading and enforcing a time that everyone should be in bed.  These rules however will take time to adjust as kids are so used to the summer time break.  We recommend implementing them a week or a few days before school starts so that the first day is not a shock for everyone.

The Scoop on Smartphone Usage with Kids

People of all ages are affected by mobile or screen devices, even children. As a parent, you may feel tempted to let your child play with your phone or tablet as long as they stay quiet and keep out of trouble, but like most things it is important that you remember to do so in moderation.
Using mobile devices is not tremendously harmful; certain apps can have a huge educational impact on children boosting their skills in areas they may not otherwise be interested in.  The problem is the amount of screen time your kids are being exposed to on a regular basis.  They younger they are as their brains are developing the more adverse the effects may be.
According to Psych Central more than 1.8 billion people own smartphones and according to recent studies, people check their screens more than 150 times a day on average. These statistics have affected children, too, and data from Britain shows almost 70% of 11 to 12-year-olds use a mobile phone and that this usage grows close to 90 percent by the age of 14. Parents of infants and children under the age of 2 should avoid exposing them to smartphones, tablets, computers, televisions and anything else that serves to entertain people through a screen according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.
With this in mind, you may begin to wonder how this affects children, especially since they are still growing and developing.
It may inhibit their social skills development
The American Psychological Association has not confirmed (due to inconsistent studies) whether screen time negatively affects children’s social skills but it can play a role.  Time spent on a mobile device means less ti

me interacting face to face with others. There are pros and cons to every situation but the goal is to moderate screen time for children.

It may contribute to shortened attention spans
The percent of children that are thought to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has increased to 11% from 5% before 1990 according to the CDC in a New York Times article. It’s said that this increase is likely to do with sociological changes, including how kids use the Internet and mobile devices.
It can cause aches and pains in the neck, shoulders, hands, back and other parts
The fact is that using smartphones forces people to tilt their heads down while moving wrists and fingers in unnatural ways.  Doing this for long periods of time can cause pain and prolonged joint damage especially in the neck and spine.
Contributes to inactivity and obesity
Lets face it kids these days rather be on their smartphones or tablets than going outside and playing. This requires long periods of time sitting down and kids have the natural urge to jump, hop, skip, climb and be active. This physical activity helps develop a strong and healthy heart, bones, lungs and muscles.  Our suggestion is to enroll them in sports or make sure that they do some form of physical activity every day for at least an hour. You can join them too to make it fun!
Can lead to eye discomfort and unhealthy sleep habits
Staring at a screen for a long period of time can cause digital eyestrain, which can come in the forms of blurred vision, fatigue, headaches and dry eyes. Reduce the amount of screen time and help them properly position their devices to at least arms length.  Trying to reduce the amount of screen time especially before bedtime can help, especially if they are experiencing irregular sleep patterns.  Cut off their time at least an hour to two before bedtime, instead, read a book to them or have them read a book to you.

As important as it is to remember to instill healthy habits in children, it is also vital to remember that children learn a lot by example.