The Force is Strong With Star Wars Personalized Books for Kids

Star Wars Personalized Books

Christmas may be right around the corner, but Star Wars has already arrived! With all the hype and merchandise, kids are sure to be excited about this new space adventure out in theatres now. The new movie may be exciting, but Star Wars is a saga that has been around for nearly 40 years. Whether your child has already seen the older films and shows or whether they are looking to get into them now with all the holiday hype, KD Novelties has a fun and interactive way to help introduce kids to the early Star Wars stories.

Star Wars Phantom Menace

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… plenty of adventures were had, and your child can take part by reading “Star Wars the Phantom Menace” and “Star Wars: Queen Amidala” personalized books. These rare copies sets kids on a unique adventure along with famous Jedi Qui-Gon Jin and Obi-Wan Kenobi as well as the Queen of Naboo, Queen Amidala, in two exciting stories. Sure, there is more than plenty when it comes to Star Wars related merchandise, but with personalized books, your child can embark on an interstellar adventure while also bolstering their reading interest and comprehension skills.

Star Wars Queen Amidala

Reading stories that are popular especially a brand that is currently in the public eye, is a great way to promote literacy in children and get reluctant readers reading again. Best of all when the stories are personalized they are immersed in the stories they love. With both of these Star Wars personalized books, you can help improve your child’s relationship with reading and learning while also sending your child on an exciting Star Wars adventure!

Good Health Starts at Home: Teaching Your Kids the Importance of Dental Health

Teach Healthy Habits

Most kids learn by example. Even when they are not quite able to communicate or express themselves, they take a lot in by sight. That is how children learn to recognize patterns, learn to read and do a plethora of other things. Children will often mimic their parents as a means of learning – after all, you are their biggest influence, especially during their earlier and more formative years. There are plenty of important things that parents should want to impart unto their children, and one of them should be maintaining good oral hygiene. As a parent, you can do a lot to help form your child’s ideas of health and wellness while also instilling them with healthy habits and other resourceful tools that they can continue to use as they get older.

The first thing you can do is to lead by example. When your child is extremely young, they will not be able to hold a toothbrush on their own, let alone operate it with any finesse. As they get older, however, it is important that you let your children try to brush their own teeth. At first, have them brush along with you. Not only will they be more willing to participate in the activity, but they will watch how you brush your own teeth and will try to emulate your habits.  This can help teach kids how to brush as well as how important it is to brush in the first place.  In general, it is recommended that children and adults brush twice a day. Brush alongside them while getting ready in the morning and before bed at night in order to instill these habits as a natural part of a daily routine.

Family brushing teeth

When it comes to kid’s dental care, it is also wise to help them out along the way. Make sure that you buy toothpastes that are sensitive to children’s mouths but still have healthy ingredients like fluoride that can help with mineralization, a process that helps strengthen teeth. Children’s teeth, or baby teeth specifically, tend to be small, sensitive and prone to decay and rot so it is imperative that your child brush and rinse with fluoride products that can help eliminate plaque and other harmful forms of bacteria.

Eating healthy plays a huge role in dental health, as well, but this is something that you as a parent should have more control over – at least at first, anyway. The sorts of foods and drinks you prepare for and give to your child will affect their present health as well as their future health, and it can have a huge impact on the diet choices and habits that your children will have as they get older. Eating healthy, non-processed foods is a great way to help keep teeth healthy. And as you know, things that are high in sugar should be avoided or at least kept to a minimum. Kids have a known weakness for sweets, so it is important to keep a watchful eye on just how much your child eats and how often.

There are so many other things that you can do and incorporate into your daily life, but one of the most important things you should be doing is scheduling routine appointments with your dentist. Adults and children alike should be visiting the dentist about twice a year for routine cleanings and general exams. Not only will a dentist be able to monitor your child’s dental health and perform any general dental services that they may need, but they can also impart some professional advice to you as a parent regarding any personal or individual needs your child may have in regards to their dental health.

For more parenting tips and reading resources be sure to visit us at and subscribe to the KD Novelties Blog.

7 Ways to Teach Kids Not to Take Things for Granted

Being Thankful

In today’s world, we have so many resources available to us. Not only are we lucky to have so much information and so many everyday advances at our fingertips to make our daily lives easier, but we also have a plethora of entertainment options ready for the choosing whenever we so please. As parents, it is only natural to want to do everything for your children and to provide them with all of the conveniences and commodities that you may not have had access to during your own childhood. Many generations are like this, and we always want to do better and give more – but there can be a downside.

In today’s world, television, mobile devices, music, the internet, you name it, is always readily available. It may be difficult for some parents to limit the time their children spend doing any of these given things, leading to a sense of entitlement and selfishness. Sometimes, these side effects occur by accident. You want your child to be happy so you provide them with the means to be happily content every moment of their lives, but this may lead to issues with gratitude and can really affect how they view others and the world around them. Without actually taking your children off the grid, there are some ways you can make sure that they learn to appreciate what they have in life and how to be humble, well-rounded people as they get older.

Be Their Role Model
Kids learn by mimicking. This means that they will learn to conduct themselves much in the same way that they see others around them do, and as a parent you are arguably your child’s biggest influence. In order to teach your children gratitude, you will need to actively practice showing gratitude yourself as well.

Be Sure to Thank Your Children
As a role model, you will need to actively show gratitude and be thankful for what you have as well as for what others do for you. When your child completes a task, does something nice without being prompted, or accomplishes something, make sure to thank them. Being on the receiving end of gratitude can help children to understand just how much this sort of sentiment really means to them and how much it must mean to other people as well.

Importance of Thank You

Do Some Teaching
As Americans, we are awarded many freedoms but it is more complex than it simply being the law. Teach your children about American history and those who fought for the freedoms we have today. There are many things that even adults take for granted that are not part of the realities other people around the world experience. It is important for kids to understand where their privileges come from and to be thankful for them instead of thinking that they are a given.

The Importance of “Thank You”
Many kids simply say ‘thank you’ because they are told to do so without really understanding why. Explaining what the sentiment means and how much weight it can really carry can help kids realize how integral showing thanks can be, whether it be in the form of a verbal “thank you”, a thank you note or even a gift.

Prompt You Kids to Give Back
Kids are more likely to follow through with something to the end if they have a part in coming up with the idea, just like how kids are more likely to try new foods if they have a hand in the meal prep. Ask your kids to do something nice for someone that might have a need that they can help with, or someone that cares for them, or has helped them in the past, and encourage them to do something nice for them.

Challenge Entitled Behavior the Moment it Happens
If your child expects something and is unhappy with being denied the thing they want, whether it be a treat, a toy or extra TV time, nip it in the bud as soon as you can. Ask your child what is really important. Ask them what it is they think they deserve and why. Making it a point of conversation can help children understand the true value of the things that they have as well as what the true value of their actions and beliefs are.

Learn to Love the Small Things

Gratitude is the greatest of virtues

Children can take certain things for granted because it is simply all they know. Point out little things that both you and your children should be thankful for and explain why. Your children may not realize just how valuable having clean water is and just how lucky they are to have it in order to survive. Having warm clothes and even amenities like kitchen appliances, toilets, heating, you name it! Remind your children that there are other kids out there who may not have any of these necessary things, let alone a toy to play with.

Teaching your child to be thankful and to show gratitude is not going to happen overnight, and it is not something you can teach with a single lesson. As a parent, you will have to make sure that you set a good example, too, so remember to be grateful as well.

For more valuable parenting tips be sure to subscribe to the KD Novelties Blog where we always have weekly parenting tips and reading resources.

KD Novelties publisher of Personalized Children’s Books