8 Tips to Keep Kids Engaged This Summer

8 Tips to Keep Kids Engaged During the Summer

School’s out! For some anyway, and for others your kids are probably counting down the days!  Kids are sure to be happy to have the next few months to themselves. As relaxing as the summer holidays are meant to be, it is still important that kids stay sharp so that they can continue their education without a hitch once the new school year starts in August or September. There are plenty of ways in which parents can do this without giving their kids homework or making them feel like they have a lot of work to do. In fact, there are some fun ways to keep kids engaged while also making sure that they’re having a good time.

1. Encourage kids to keep a journal. Keeping a journal can be fun, and it can make a great keepsake for you and your kids for years to come. While kids are writing about their summers or even writing stories of made up adventures, they are also exercising their writing and reading comprehension skills. Writing in a journal has benefits when it comes to memory as well, and can help kids remember more things with accuracy.

2. Plan fun (and educational) trips. Summertime is the most popular time for families to go on vacation, but integrating something educational and interesting into your summer plans can be both fun and informative. Even if you can’t fit a big trip into your budget, make weekly trips to the library, to local landmarks and other places that can offer a lot for kids and adults alike.

Lemonade Stand for Kids
3. Start a lemonade stand! Encourage your kids to get active and get motivated to make money. Whether they sell lemonade on the sidewalk, help with a garage sale or simply pick up some chores around the house, doing so will help give kids an incentive to take on responsibility. Encourage them to manage their money, too, so they can practice some math while they’re at it.

4. Go outside and explore. Getting outdoors is great. Fresh air and activity are integral for staying healthy and childhood obesity is quickly becoming a major problem, so making sure that kids stay plenty active and spend some time away from screens and computers can be beneficial. Going outside, going to parks, going on hikes or simply exploring your own backyard can also help spark a child’s imagination and help them develop a relationship with nature.

5. Make time to read every day. Some kids are happy reading as a pastime, but other kids may need some coaxing. Make it a routine or a tradition to share a book or two every night. Read aloud, play book-inspired games, or even act out your favorite scenes! Reading will help keep kids’ reading skills sharp, and playing games can help foster their creativity and confidence, as well.

6. Take advantage of free, online learning. Whether your kids are playing an educational flash game or partaking in an online course, kids may be more inclined to want to learn when it involves the family computer or tablet. There are plenty of educational apps and free online schools that can teach kids valuable skills without feeling like its work at all.

Kids Crafts During the Summer

7. Make some arts and crafts. Inspiring kids to create and use their imaginations can help their critical thinking skills more than you might realize. Creativity can help kids learn how to solve problems, weigh their options and make difficult choices, whether it involves figuring out how to solve a math problem or how to accomplish riding a bike. Being creative can inspire some great art, but it can also encourage out-of-the-box thinking that can help boost general problem-solving skills, too.

8. Don’t be afraid to relax! Rest and relaxation are actually important for mental and emotional development, so don’t forget to get plenty of it. As important as it is to keep kids active, don’t forget about valuable down-time either. Finding a balance between activity and reflection is important, so make sure to let your kids relax and do a bit of what they want this summer, too.

KD Novelties is publisher of personalized children’s books making children the stars of their very own stories.  Personalized Reading promotes literacy while building self-esteem.  Subscribe to our blog for more reading and family friendly tips.

New Personalized Alphabet Book

I See Do You See? Alphabets Personalized Book
When it comes to reading, knowing and recognizing your letters it’s incredibly important. This is especially vital for children who are just learning how to read on their own. Sometimes, approaching such a big new skill can be intimidating for kids and they may feel uncomfortable or afraid of learning. With 26 letters, kids may feel afraid that remembering all of them will be difficult, and as a parent it may be hard to get them to want to try. Our new award winning personalized book I See Do You See? Alphabets can help when it comes to coaxing kids into reading, especially on their own.

I See Do You See? Alphabets will set kids on an adventure where it is up to them to find the letters of the alphabet. Not only will they be looking for letters and becoming familiar with them, but they will also have to look for words that start with the missing letters as well. This will help kids get to know what their letters look like and help them make associations with related words as well. By sending them on an adventure, kids will be excited to learn about and find the letters in the story. This creative tale will call children by name and put them right in the middle of the action, making them the hero of their very own educational adventure.

Personalized books are great for boosting confidence. Kids will feel more of a sense of purpose and excitement when they see their name printed directly into the story. This boost in self-confidence can help reluctant readers gather the courage to learn to read, to become familiar with the letters of the alphabet, and to save the day.

Want to learn more? Take a virtual tour of I See Do You See? Alphabets where you can see the illustrations and read the entire story of our new alphabet book.
Let the alphabet adventures begin…!

Personalized Father’s Day Sale

Do you have an Amazing Dad? Or do your kids have an Amazing Dad? Want to give your amazing Dad a unique one-of-a-kind personalized gift? Check out our Amazing Dad personalized photo DVD where Dad can star as a super hero in his very own cartoon adventure.  Great gift for the kids to give to Dad. Everyone will enjoy this cartoon and it’s sure to bring joy, excitement and many laughs in the family. All we need is a head shot of Dad and we are good to go.

We have a 15% sale on this personalized DVD to honor and celebrate Dads everywhere.  Use coupon code Dad2015 expires June 15, 2015.

To see a sample clip of this great DVD click here.

Amazing Dad Personalized Photo DVD