Personalized Publications Bring Home Esteemed Awards and Recognition

Terrance the Giraffe custom book
Being different is not a bad thing, and our award-winning personalized book “Terrance the Giraffe” can help kids learn to better understand themselves. This special personalized book has just achieved the 2015 award from The Family Choice Awards. The Family Choice Awards is renowned for recognizing only the best products, services and resources that are available to families. This 2015 awards program was the 19th of The Family Choice Awards and is one of the most renowned programs for families in the country.
Terrance the Giraffe is a personalized story that sets kids on a personal journey with Terrance who is having a hard time. Because Terrance is different, he has had to deal with teasing and bullying. Your child will join Terrance on his journey to self-acceptance and confidence. Not only does Terrance the Giraffe provide a likeable character that kids can relate to, but they can sympathize and empathize with Terrance as well. This emotional story can help teach kids not to tease others, that everyone is different and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Where Do Dreams Come From?
We also received the Mom’s Choice Awards® (MCA) for our personalized book Where Do Dreams Come From? The Mom’s Choice Awards boasts a panel of esteemed judges that come from a variety of backgrounds – including educators, doctors, scientists, media experts, artists, business professionals, authors, and of course parents, just to name a few – that look for quality products that appeal to children and families, bestowing their esteemed award to quality products and services. Where Do Dreams Come From? sends kids on an adventure that is sure to expand their imagination. In this journey, kids will travel to Dream Land where they will learn how dreams are made. In Dream Land, they learn all about the fairies that work hard at what they call “the dream machine” to create happy dreams that are delivered to children around the world.

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Learning Starts at Home

Help Kids Read and Learn
Kids begin to learn from the moment they are born. They use all of their senses to take in the world around them, learning through experience, observation and by experimenting with the tangible world. Reading is a vast part of learning, especially as kids grow older. Reading is significant because it helps kids learn about the intangible world; books relate concepts and ideas to kids that they may not be able to experience in person. This is especially true when it comes to posturing hypothetical situations and problems or even learning about and imagining past historical events.
However, reading is something that should not be exclusive to school alone. Since kids begin to learn immediately after being born, it is vital that kids begin reading at home. This will not only prepare kids for formal schooling, but it will help encourage them to continue reading and learning outside of the classroom. Learning is something that happens constantly, and some kids may learn from habit that education only happens at school. There are opportunities to learn everywhere, everyday, and reading helps boost kids’ skills, imagination, creative ability as well as their critical thinking and evaluation skills.
It is important that parents equip their kids with the necessary skills before entering Kindergarten. Reading is one such skill. Even teaching them the basic alphabet and simple words and letters can help them significantly. Encouraging kids to read early on is also beneficial for other reasons. Many conditions, such as dyslexia, are easier to treat and accommodate if they are identified as early on as possible. This will make future learning much easier and kids; parents and teachers will have a better idea of the tools needed to succeed.

Parents should not rely solely on schools to teach their children. Every school, teacher and classroom environment is different and will inspire different modes and types of learning. If children know how to learn on their own and are already equipped with the building blocks for learning, kids will not only be successful in the classroom but will be able to hold their own in any endeavor as well.

How to Measure Your Child’s Reading Level before Kindergarten

Personalized Books for Kids
Education doesn’t have to stay in the classroom. For kids, learning should begin at home and there are plenty of things that parents can do to help foster their kids’ education. Reading plays an integral part in academic success and as a parent; you should make sure that your child is at the appropriate reading level throughout their childhood. This should begin as early as infancy through preschool.
Kids may not be able to read fully by the time they are preschool age, which is typically between the ages of 3 and 4, but children should still be familiar with the concept and all of its moving parts by the time they reach pre-school/kindergarten at ages 4-5. The following are helpful signs to see what category your child falls into.

Pre-Reader (typically from ages 2 to 4)
  1. They have been exposed to books and like to hear them read, but they don’t comprehend that the pages have words and that the words tell a story
  2. Can’t identify any letters or words on the pages but shows an interest in wanting to learn the alphabet
  3. They like to play with books as toys but don’t understand that books contain stories
  4. They love the bright colors and illustrations found in the books but do not understand that the pictures depict a story
  5. Pretends to write
  6. Enjoys looking through books on their own

Signs of a Beginning Reader (typically from 4 to 6 years)

  1. Recognizes their own name when written
  2. Familiarity with the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make
  3. Spelling their own name
  4. Needs pictures on each page to help tell the story
  5. Memorizes books and tries to read them over and over
  6. Reads aloud without pausing for punctuation
  7. When not recognizing a word tries to sound it out from the beginning but if not successful, makes up the rest or skips over it.

Wherever the child lacks is where parents need to focus more on, however, we suggest making it fun and turn it into a game.  Kids will learn more and want to learn when they are having fun.  If your child is struggling, there is no need to worry.  You can read with them regularly, play letter based games, sit with them and practice their letters. By continuing to test their skills in a fun way will ultimately help boost their literacy and letter skills.
With that said have you checked out our personalized kids books? Personalized books can be especially helpful for kids who may be reluctant readers or quickly lose interest in books and other educational materials.  When they see their name, they will not only be excited, but they will have a better idea of what their own name looks like and how to spell it!