Get Your Kids Into the Kitchen and… READ!

Reading is important, not just for children but for adults as well. Reading is emphasized throughout childhood to help sustain a healthy love of learning and to help develop problem solving, critical thinking and imaginative skills in individuals. But… as we all know, it is not so easy to get every individual to read. When it comes to kids, reluctant readers may often feel uninterested in books and find other pastimes more exciting instead. Personalized books can help with this problem. Personalized children’s books are special because they are individualized and interactive. When kids see that they become the star of their own adventure, they are more likely to pick up the book, read through it, and learn some key skills along the way.  However, personalized books are not the only interactive books out there, in fact, some have been around for ages… like cookbooks.

When it comes to getting reluctant kids to try new things, interactivity is a great way to pique their interest. Cookbooks allow kids to participate in the preparation as well as the cooking or baking alongside their parents or older siblings. This is a great project for families to work on together where every member can play a vital role in the outcome, with everyone sharing, eating and enjoying the meal once its finished!

Kids will love reading the recipe. They will love feeling needed and important as part of the project, but their eagerness to read is also great too. As they read off ingredients, kids can learn all about different spices, grains, meats, vegetables, fruits and other such ingredients, as well as learning about measurements and some cooking activities like mixing, beating, seasoning and a slew of other things. Not only will kids learn key aspects of cooking, even if it is just the basics, but they will also learn about the food they are eating as well which can be especially helpful for reluctant readers. Studies have shown that when kids help their parents cook a meal, they are more likely to eat it! This is because they feel like they are a part of the cooking process and are proud of their involvement and contribution, much like the feeling of pride they may feel after having completed an arts and crafts project.

The holidays are just around the corner and there is no more perfect time to get kids in on the family cooking! Invite kids to help out with the holiday cookies, cakes and treats as well as the big holiday dinner. Even if they only lend a hand for certain dishes, they will feel great about having been a part of the process and will be eager to help read a recipe again in the future!

How Many Books Can You Read Before the Holidays?

November has just begun, but as many commercials would like to have us believe, the holiday season is fast approaching. When we think of the holidays, we think of family, friends and the exchange of gifts. Kids tend to get the most excited about the gift giving, and many parents tend to use this factor as a motivator to help keep kids well behaved.  Kids are told that if they listen, do as they are told, and use their manners that they will receive gifts once the holidays finally roll around. This is a great incentive, so why not apply it to education as well?
Considering that it is already November, kids are also now in the full swing of school. A few months in the classroom can already have some kids feeling restless and tired of their routine. To keep kids on task and to keep them reading, most importantly, setting up a holiday reading incentive can help keep kids interested in learning.
Along with encouraging kids to behave and act good all year round, encouraging kids to set a book goal for the holiday season can be a great idea. Kids greatly look forward to the holiday season and even reluctant readers may be more willing to read if they have more of a reason to do so. Personalized books from can help entice kids to keep reading. Children tend to be more interested in reading material if the story relates to their lives. It can be about a similar situation that they are in, the upcoming season, or about what they are learning in school, especially if the book is all about them! Personalized books also make great gifts this holiday season. We have many personalized books to suit all holidays from Christmas personalized books to Hannukah and Kwanzaa.  You’re sure to find something you’ll love!
Personalized books make great memories and add a unique personal touch to the stories they tell while helping kids develop a personal love and relationship with books and reading for years to come.
Ask kids to take up the challenge and keep them reading throughout the holiday season visit us at and stock their bookshelves with a personalized touch!

New Personalized Book: Where Do Dreams Come From?

Where Do Dreams Come From? personalized children’s book
Kids are constantly learning about the world around them. They explore different ways to learn about themselves and about everything else as they age, first with their mouths and with touch, and then with their eyes, and soon they begin to ask questions. As kids learn to speak, they begin to ask more and more questions. Children want to know about everything, especially about things that they experience everyday, where things come from and why things happen. While parents can easily try to answer these questions, it is much more fun to show them.

Personalized Bedtime Book
We have come out with a new personalized book that can answer where dreams come from in a fun and exciting way. In “Where Do Dreams Come From?” kids will embark on a journey through Dream Land where dreams are made. On their personalized adventure, kids will learn all about the Dream Machine where dreams are made and all about the fairies that make sure all children around the world have happy dreams every night. This imaginative tale will keep kids’ imaginations running wild and may even help get them excited to go to sleep! Reading this adventure before bed is the perfect way to say goodbye to a good day and embrace a good night’s sleep full of exciting and imaginative dreams.