Getting Back into the School Spirit

Back to School

New environments can sometimes be difficult for kids to adjust to. Whether they have already started school or not, going to a new place after a long summer can take some getting used to. Some children may not be quite as receptive to the idea of heading back to the classroom or entering the classroom for the first time, and this is completely normal. Change can be difficult for some children when they are younger, but using tools to ease them into new changes can be helpful for them in the short-term as well as the long-term.

First Day of School Personalized Book

Personalized children’s books by KD Novelties can provide kids with an accessible means of becoming acquainted or reacquainted with the idea of school. KD Novelties offers several personalized back-to-school books, including “My First Day at School”, “My School Fun Book”, and “School is Fun”. All of these books can insert children in the heart of school, making the idea of a transition that much more fun and easier to swallow. When kids see themselves having fun in a new situation or place, they are more likely to grow excited and want to do those things themselves. Stories help motivate kids to make changes and try new things, and books that star them personally help even more.

School is Fun Personalized Book

Personalized books have proven to help children overcome personal obstacles which can include potty training or even bullying. When kids see themselves in the midst of the action, they can imagine themselves taking charge in their actual lives. When children see a version of themselves accomplishing things, the idea of doing the same in reality becomes less scary and feels more realistic and plausible to them. Giving kids books about their exploits at school can help them become more excited and welcoming of the change and help ease any anxiety they may be feeling.

For a limited time our personalized school books are on SALE so be sure to collect in on the savings and load their backpacks with books they will treasure for a lifetime.

Back to School Sale! Save Big on Personalized Children’s Books

Back to School Sale on Personalized Books

Summer is winding down and back to school shopping is in full gear!  We have a sale on personalized school books to get your kids excited about going back to school and getting them in the habit of reading.  Our personalized children’s books are special in that they star your child as the main character.

Sale Ends on September 6, 2014 so hurry and stock up on books that they will treasure for a lifetime.

My First Day at School Personalized Children’s Book
KD Novelties is an award winning publisher of personalized kids books that have been bringing smiles to children’s faces, building their self-esteem & promoting literacy for over 10 years.

Terrance the Giraffe Personalized Kids Book Wins Creative Child Magazine Award

Winning an award is a thing of prestige. It denotes importance, but depending on where the award comes from can determine just how important that award is. Recently, KD Novelties “Terrance the Giraffe personalized children’s book” has been granted best book of the year award from the Creative Child Magazine’s Awards Program. Unlike most other programs which administer awards on the word of a single judge or small panel, the Creative Child Magazine’s Awards Program uses the opinions and judgment of a wide range of individuals, from moms, music educators, to early education professions in choosing it’s winners.  What makes this award so unique is that every product was tested and used based on factors such as creativity, literacy, kid friendly and many more categories.
Creative Child Magazine Book of the Year Award

“Terrance the Giraffe” is a personalized story from KD Novelties that helps kids sympathize and empathize with Terrance, a giraffe who experiences adversity and bullying. Bullying is a huge topic for discussion for parents and kids alike. Whether kids are the victims of or the witnesses to bullying, this book puts kids in the shoes of a friend that helps Terrance overcome his problems. It puts kids on a journey that teaches them how hurtful bullying can be, and that overcoming bullying is possible as well. The message of this book applies to every child, whether they have been bullied, have bullied, or have seen someone else be bullied. By making the story personalized, children can connect to the lesson being taught while also embarking on their own personal journey.

Terrance the Giraffe Personalized Children’s Book