Create Memories on Mother’s Day

Create Memories on Mother’s Day by Reading with the kids
While Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate all of the moms in our lives, whether they’re our own mothers, sisters, friends or aunts, who are mothers to someone, it is also an important day to spend time with the children. Some kids may be too young to impart any gifts on their own, aside from spending some personal time with mom. Whether your kids are old enough to understand the holiday or not, set some special time aside to be with your children.
Spending family time together is very important. It helps build familial relationships and builds memories, but spending time with each of your children individually helps show just how much you care about them as a person and as an individual. This helps them grow character and grow a strong sense of self. Whether you decide to read and experience a book together, play a game, or simply have an in depth conversation, it is these personal one-on-one moments that kids will come to cherish as they grow older and remember on future Mother’s Days. Here are some things you can do to spend some special time with each of your kids.
1.     Read a personalized book together. Sharing a book together is sharing an experience. You venture out on a journey and remember that experience together. Sharing a personalized book with your child reminds them about how special they are and how much you mean to them.
2.     Play a game. Ask your child what games they want to play with you, and taking part in exactly what they want will create fond memories for the future. Not only that, but it keeps both of you active and entertained.
3.     Tell them a story. Sharing personal stories about when you were your child’s age helps them relate to you as a person as well as a mother. It helps them feel closer to you when you share personal stories and helps them understand you and themselves better.
4.     Ask them about their week and tell them about yours. Talk to them like they are another person, not just a child. This helps them formulate opinions and builds their confidence. They feel important when they are asked about what goes on in their lives and what their feelings are on certain topics, as well as hearing about their mom’s lives as well. 

These activities will stick with them as they grow older and will undoubtedly come to mind on future Mother’s Days. Invite your kids to get to know you and get to know them as individuals so they can grow up and become special individuals themselves. Think of the mothers you will be celebrating this year. Think of all of the things you respect about them and what they have done for you in order to become the person you are now, and remember those moments when creating new ones with your kids as well.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful Moms out there from all of us at KD Novelties! 

NEW! Personalized eBooks Have Joined the Ranks to Our Personalized Line of Books

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our personalized eBooks for kids. Our personalized stories insert kids into their very own adventure, building enthusiasm that will continue to inspire them to read. By adding personalized eBooks to our line of personalized books, our goal was to get kids (both reluctant readers and bookworms alike) excited about jumping into a personalized adventure in the digital realm where mostly kids are placing their time in.

eBooks are responsible for a significant increase in readership and in frequency of reading among ALL age groups.  Kids are always eager to try new things especially in digital media plus its fun and entertaining and easily accessible and shared anywhere.

As with children’s personalized books, personalized children’s eBooks will be enjoyed by kids of all ages because they love to see themselves inserted into the stories they read.  These personalized stories draw them in promoting literacy while building self-esteem.

We currently are offering five personalized titles available for download and they are priced at $5.95. Our titles include Terrance the Giraffe, Day at the Zoo, Red Planet, Too Many Monsters, and The Fairy personalized eBooks.  Our eBooks are compatible with all devices such as tablets, smartphones, PC and Mac for the child on the go.  Each personalized eBook is filled with colorful illustrations and action packed story lines putting your child into the heart of action and engaging with their imagination.

The end result is a remarkably unique ebook that can be taken anywhere and read anytime.  A personalized ebook is a great gift for any kid reader, whether they are reluctant readers or reading aficionados. Personalized books help kids relate to stories and inspire them to tell their own.

Visit us at for more personalized stories and adventures for kids.

Celebrating Easter and Passover With the Kids

This year both Passover and Easter fall during the same week and it has been a while since this has happened.  It’s a wonderful time to explain to the kids the purpose of these holidays and why we celebrate them.
My Jewish Holidays
Activities are the best way to get kids interested in holidays. It not only boosts their excitement to celebrate them, but can be a valuable opportunity to teach them what the holiday is about and where the tradition comes from. There are plenty of things to do that will not only hold kids’ attention but will keep their interest as well. Share some interactive activities indoors and outdoors and make the holidays fun as well as informative.
1.     A great way to get kids interested in a holiday is to read about it. A book like “My Jewish Holidays” from KD Novelties can help remind kids what the holidays are about, why we celebrate them and what traditions are involved. Reading together also helps build relationships with those we share books with as well as the things we are reading about. Kids will remember this special holiday story time as they gear up for the festivities.
2.     Arts and crafts help get kids interacting with holiday traditions and help them feel more a part of the festivities. Once they have an idea of what it is that is being celebrated, they can use their newfound knowledge to make the house feel festive. This creativity allows kids to express themselves and start building a personal relationship with the holidays.
3.     Food is another wonderful way to introduce kids to traditions. Having kids help cook and prepare food will also encourage them to try new foods if they are not eaten often at other times of the year. When kids feel they have been a part of creating a meal, they are more likely to try it if it is new because they had a key part in making it. They feel proud of their accomplishments and are willing to reap their own benefits.
Jesus The Provider
4.     Additionally, KD Novelties has a personalized Easter themed book called “The Cottontail Mystery” as well as religious books such as “Jesus the Provider” and “Let us Thank God” that bring the true meaning to Easter. These personalized interactive stories puts kids at the heart of the action.

5.     An Easter egg hunt is a traditional Easter activity that helps keep kids active, whether outdoors or indoors. This interactive game can be used to help educate kids, too. Leave clues involving holiday facts that will help them find the location of the eggs and fill the prized eggs with further hints as well as candy and small toy prizes.
Whether you celebrate Easter or Passover it is important to always educate the children on what is being celebrated and make it fun for them to learn. Reading about the holidays brings them to life and at the same time enhances their reading ability and comprehension. It’s a win win for both parents and kids alike.