Back to School Checklist

Notebooks; check. Books; check. Pencils and crayons; check. Book bag; check.

It’s that time of year again; back to school! All of us here at KD Novelties love the back to school season. While your child is surely all geared up with fun supplies and settling into his or her new classroom, be sure they are enjoying their new routine too. Whether the child in your life is a preschooler who just started school for the first time, moved up a grade or even entered a new school this year, an encouraging book could really help ease the transition for both parents and students.

Here are a few other ideas to keep the school year FUN…

  • Create a calendar so the child in your life can mark down each day of school and any countdown to any fun projects or open house coming up
  • Let your child plan their super cool outfit for school each night
  • Talk about all the fun activities they will be doing in class such as art projects, classroom pets they might have or interesting books they might be reading

We hope you and your student are having a great school year so far!

Summer Reading

Now that the summer is here it is important to keep your kids reading books at all times. The following are tips to keep your kids reading during their summer break.

  • Go to your local library and get a reading list of books to read over the summer. Enroll your children in storytelling time, youth clubs and/or book clubs. The libraries have lots of educational activities for the children. Make sure to get a library card for your child and have them pick and check out their own books!
  • Look for garage sales and give your child a dollar so that they can buy their own book!
  • Swap books with friends and family so that they will have different books to read.
  • Record yourself reading a book to your child and make sure to read with emphasis and character. Then have them replay your recording with the book in their hands another day. This will sure get them to sit down and listen to the story on their own.
  • You can also record your child reading a book and replay it when they have become better readers so that they can listen to themselves improve.
  • Help your child make his or her own storybook. Make funny drawings, or glue photos of family members onto construction paper. Let them get creative with the colors and photos. You can then can staple it on the sides and punch holes and put either yarn or ribbon to make it look nice.
  • Purchase a personalized book with their name and/or photo in the storyline. This will sure be a big hit with the kids and will interest them in reading it every day!

Dads should read with their kids

When it comes to school activities, art projects, homework and reading, usually in most households these tasks default to the Mom. Sports and outdoor activities and recreation “belong” to Dad. This has become a global stereotype. In reality, both parents should read to the child especially Dad. Here’s why: Bonding TimeReading creates a bonding experience. The physical closeness of story time and cuddling bring you closer to your kids. Hugging, kissing and tickling are all part of this bonding experience especially when it comes to reading. Therefore, it is very important for Dads to experience this bonding separately from Mom. Children will never forget these special times and they will love you for it. Variety of Voice and EmotionWhen reading and acting out voices and emotions it’s important that children get used to the different tones and accents from Mom and Dad. It’s part of their hearing and learning experience which increases their comprehension. Double Reinforcement: Set the Example If the kids see Mom reading then they will think reading is worthwhile. However, when Dad also jumps on the bandwagon the kids will start to realize that there is something to this “reading” thing. That is why reading with your kids early on in the process (both Mom and Dad) can help instill a love of reading in children. The more people that seem interested in reading will help reinforce that reading is something important and enjoyable. Reading is quiet and calm time As mentioned previously Dads are involved with sports and outdoor recreation (anything and everything active such as running, wrestling, playing with the kids). However, reading is a very sedentary, calm event. If Dad can now show kids that playtime is over and sit still with a book on his lap reading with the kids, they will also learn how to calm down after an active event. In the long run this will help them in school. Studies show that many teachers have reported that it is extremely difficult to get kids to focus on school work after playtime (or lunch). Instilling this principle in the home will help your children in school and with reading.

Personalized Children’s Books, Music and DVDs by KD Novelties